15+ Free Police Report Template (Word, PDF) & How to Write It

A police report template is a template about a physical record document of an incident. The incident itself could be legal or illegal. The only policeman writes police reports or incident reports. It’s because writing this report has to be serious. This report involves legal procedures.

In addition, policeman writes a report after an accident or a crime. A police report has a certain or special template. There are many kinds of template for a police report. It depends on the incident that occurs.

The Police Report Template can be used for reporting crimes.

A police report template is an official document that law enforcement officers use in their investigations. The template contains a number of sections, including the officer’s name and contact information, the date and time of the crime, where it occurred, who was involved, and how much property was stolen or damaged.

Contents show

Police Report Template

A police report template is a document that is used to furnish a written report of the events of an event relating to the law enforcement process.

The role of police reports in our society can be seen in many ways. From its use as evidence, to providing a public record of an incident, or simply used to assist in the investigation process. This document is also critical for businesses who need their employees to make reports about workplace violence and other matters related for reporting.

This template provides easy-to-follow instructions on how to fill out the necessary sections and fields for a police report. You can choose from four different versions depending on what type of information you need:

police report template

Blank Police Report Template

The Blank Police Report Template is a document that is used to report any criminal activity to law enforcement. The template has checklists on each page, with questions and instructions on how to fill them in. The blank report can be filled out in order to post it online, or if the information provided is confidential, then it can be filled out and sent via email.

Blank Police Report Template

Missing Person Police Report Template

The Missing Person Police Report Template has a basic layout with all necessary fields. This form is meant to be completed online, so it includes a place for the individual’s name, address, telephone number, and email address.

Missing Person Police Report Template

Police Accident Report Template

The Police Accident Report Template is a document used to report a traffic accident. The template is usually read by the officer in charge of the accident scene and forms part of their investigation.

Police Accident Report Template

Police Investigation Report Template

The Police Investigation Report (PIR) template is a tool that can be used by law enforcement agencies and companies to help in investigations.

The template is designed to be reproducible and easy to use, and because of this, it’s a popular choice for investigators. It contains information such as the date, time, location, suspects’ names, evidence collected in the case, and more.

The PIR template provides an effective way for law enforcement agencies to manage their information in one place. These templates are also helpful for companies who are looking for a way to make sure their employees are not inadvertently disclosing confidential information about their corporation.

The Police Investigation Report Template is an electronic tool which can be used by law enforcement agencies or companies who want a reproducible document that explains the basics of the investigation. It includes a summary of what led to the investigation, what questions are being asked, who is involved, and how long it will take.

Police Investigation Report Template

Police Report Request Template

The police report template is a “form for requesting a copy of an incident report from the police in the United States. It is primarily intended for use by victims of domestic and sexual violence who are seeking evidence for their cases.”

The purpose of this template is to make it easier for people to file a request with police. It’s also very helpful because it provides specific information about what type of information should be included inside the request as well as what type of materials are not allowed to be part of the request.

The reason why there needs to be a specific form created was because not everybody knows what they need to include when filing this type of request. This makes it important that there is a form that people can follow so they don’t miss out on any important information or documents needed in order to

Police Report Request Template

Police Report Template for Theft

The police report template for theft is a document that is created by law enforcement to document the occurrence of a crime and provide evidence for the investigation. The template includes information about the time and date of an event, potential witnesses, physical evidence, people’s names, etc.

Police Report Template for Theft

Police Report Template PDF

The report is a PDF document that has templates for using with the Microsoft Office Word program. The templates are designed to help police officers complete their reports quickly and accurately. These templates can be used for any type of incident in which a report is needed, such as an accident, traffic stop, or breaking and entering.

Police Report Template PDF

Police Report Template Word

A police report is a written document that is composed after an individual has been the victim of a crime. It consists of the details of what happened, evidence that was gathered, and witness statements.

Police Report Template Word

Fillable police report template

Many agencies use a fillable police report template. These templates have forms that can be filled out by you and your officers as well as notes to add additional information. It is important to note that these templates are not meant for official use, but they can be helpful in creating an initial report or supplementing a preexisting report with additional information.

Police report template google docs

The police report template google docs is a template where the author can fill in a form to generate a report based on different categories. The categories are not limited to just accidents, crimes and traffic violations. Instead, it can be used for any type of law enforcement purposes, such as missing person reports and civil issues.

The content of the police report template google docs is generated automatically by the document so that it is free of grammar errors and other mistakes. It does not require an internet connection so that the author can focus on other tasks while the document generates its content.

The police report template google docs is beneficial because it saves time when filling out forms or writing up reports. It also saves space because it only takes up a single page instead of multiple pages with different types of forms

Police report template for students

The police report template is a document that students are required to fill out when they are involved in an incident on campus. It is a mandatory form that has several sections and spaces for the student to write their information and give them a chance to explain the situation.

The first rule of filling out the police report is that you must not include any personal information about yourself or anyone else in your statement. This includes things like your name, address, phone number, and email address. The police have no reason to have this information and considering it could be used against you or others, it’s best not to give it away.

Police incident report template

A police incident report is a document that is filled out by law enforcement personnel, dispatchers or other first responders at the scene of an emergency in order to document what has happened.

An incident report template is typically a form that has pre-printed information and fields for the date, time, location and other relevant details of the emergency.

Identity theft police report template

Identity theft is the crime of stealing another person’s personal identifies, typically to use those identities to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity theft can take place in person, online, or through mail. The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates that over 10 million Americans have been victims of identity theft within the past year.

Pample police report template

A police report template is a document that can be used for the purpose of collecting information about a particular event. The template often includes the basic details of an incident, such as time, date, location and people involved. It may also contain some details about the incident that are not typically included in reports, such as the type or severity of injury or whether there was anyone else present at the scene before law enforcement arrived.

The report template mostly included the basics like description and use case to support law enforcement with their investigation.

Police report templates are typically used at crime scenes and during investigations to collect evidence and provide a more detailed account of what happened

Police arrest report template

This is the police arrest report template which is developed and maintained by the Victoria Police Department. The template is available for free on the department’s website.

The police arrest report template provides a comprehensive overview of what to expect from an investigation, who is involved, and what needs to be done next.

The use cases of AI writing tool are numerous as this can help in many areas such as customer relations, generating content, research work and more. There are different types of AI writing assistants like natural language generation which generates text that uses syntax similar to human language and machine learning which generates text based on data points given by humans.

5 Crucial Police Report Template Sections

The different sections of the police report are as follow.

Data Of The Incident Segment

This segment of the incident report tells about the type of alleged crime. The crime itself could be about rape, burglary, murder, etc. Another thing that should there in this segment is where the incident takes place.

In addition, date and time both of the incident and technical report are also there. The data of the incident is one of the important parts of the police report template. Most of the template have this segment. It’s a crucial thing in a template.

Reporting Party Segment

Another segment that always there in the incident report template is party segment. There is a reporting party which has an important role in the incident. This segment has detail information about the name, birthday, and complete address. Moreover, there is also nationality, social security number, and marital status.

The relationship between people in the party is important. Furthermore, even the wrongdoer is also included. The detail information about a victim, suspect or even a witness is there in this segment. Therefore, this party section segment is important to be there in a template.

Alleged Suspect Segment

The next segment is about the alleged suspect segment. In this section, there is some data about the suspect for the incident report. It is about how the suspect looks like. Usually, it’s about the description of the suspect itself. There is also other basic information about the suspect.

That information is like the name of the suspect, address, and birthday. There are also other things like marital status and job. This section is one of the important section if there is a suspect in the incident.

However, if the incident happens by itself then there is no suspect. At last, this section is no need. Take it for example if an accident because of the slippery road. There are only a victim and no suspect.

Victim Segment

Not far from the previous segment above, this segment contains detail information about the victim. That information is about the name of the victim, marital status, and birthday. In addition, most importantly, there is also the address and social security number.

The social security number here is the number of the person who reports the incident. If the victim is more than one than the detail information is about those victims. This report is usually a police report template printable. It is to make the police easier in writing it manually.

Narrative Segment

This segment is one of the important parts of the police report. It’s because this section describes a whole story of the incidents. Why the incident could happen and how it happens. Therefore, in the narrative segment, the police write anything about the incident.

Police tell the story from the beginning to the end. Without this section, there is going to be no explanation about the incident. The data information about the victim, suspect, and party feel empty without this segment. In addition, this segment also tells about how many people involved.

Both police report template PDF and printable contain all the information above. They are related to one another. One segment or section cannot stand alone. It’s because all of them are connected.

Why Do You Need Police Report Templates?

Police report templates are a type of document that provides the specific information needed in a police report. The template is formatted in a way that makes it easy to read and understand. This can help reduce the stress of preparing the report, as well as make it more likely that the report is completed accurately.

The following are some of the functions and benefits associated with police report templates:

– They provide pre-formatted text that can be easily edited, saving time for both preparers and those who review and edit reports.

– They decrease the chance of human error by providing pre-formatted text, which eliminates spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and other issues with formatting.

– They provide clear guidelines for all officers to follow when preparing a police report so they can often be complex and time-consuming to create. A new system called Police Report Builder is changing the process by providing clear guidelines for all officers to follow when preparing a police report so they can avoid making mistakes that might jeopardize the case.

How to write a Police Report Templates

When you need to create a police report template, here are the steps you should take.

  1. Review the report templates provided by your jurisdiction or state’s department of law enforcement website
  2. Create a draft template that reflects your needs, interests and preference in word format
  3. Edit the draft and make changes to fit your needs
  4. Create an electronic copy of the final draft
  5. Find a reputable document scanning service that offers scans for free or at a low cost

Questions to Ask Yourself When Creating a New Police Incident Report Template

When you are creating a new police incident report template, ask yourself the following questions before you start:

-What information do your stakeholders need?

-What is your goal with this template?

-Is this template going to be used live or in a training session?

-Is this template going to be shared with other departments within the organization?

-How often does your department use these templates and what is the frequency of their use?

-Who will be filling out these reports and when will that happen?

-Are there any legal requirements for how these reports should be filled out, such as by law enforcement officers or by anyone else who is authorized to fill them out on behalf of someone else (such as personal assistants)?


Today, police report templates have become a necessity. They are used to document the actions of law enforcement officers during investigations. The legal implications that come with these reports also make them an essential part of the investigative process.

Before you start creating a new police incident report template, you should ask yourself some questions to help with planning. Those questions include: Do you need a new template for your department? What format will your template take? How many case types will it support? Will your templates require additional software?

When it comes to documenting evidence and preparing for an investigation, there is always going to be room for improvement. With that in mind, law enforcement agencies should adopt these new templates so they can reap the same benefits as other investigative agencies across the country.

With police report templates, you can save time, effort, and money by being able to come up with a report that has all the necessary information for law enforcement.

In conclusion, if you are a professional who needs to provide a police report or other type of document for law enforcement agencies, you should use these templates because it will save you time and effort.