This page provides information about EU supported projects in Kazakhstan in areas such as human rights, education, energy, transport and the environment.
The Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Kazakhstan entered into force on 1 March 2020. This new agreement, which constitutes the first of its kind signed by the EU with one of its Central Asian partners, provides a comprehensive framework within which bilateral relations are conducted and has elevated relations between the EU and Kazakhstan to a new level.
The EU Strategy on Central Asia provides the overall framework for regional engagement. The Strategy, which focuses on resilience and prosperity, should support, amongst other priorities, Kazakhstan's transition to a green economy and the diversification of its economy.
Relations taken to a new level
The Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement creates an enhanced legal basis for EU- Kazakhstan relations, providing a broad framework for reinforced political dialogue, comprehensive sectoral cooperation, and promoting mutual trade and investment. It will also enhance concrete cooperation in 29 other key policy areas, including in the sectors of:
EU – the main trade partner for Kazakhstan
The EU is by far Kazakhstan's most significant trade partner, representing 40% of its external trade. Kazakhstan's exports to the EU are almost entirely in the oil and gas sectors, alongside minerals, chemicals and food products.
In 2023, exports from Kazakhstan to the EU totalled €30.3 billion and the import volume from the EU to Kazakhstan totalled €12.1 billion. The EU is Kazakhstan’s biggest overall trading partner, as the destination for 37% of total Kazakh exports and representing 27.9% of its total trade in 2023. T he EU is also the biggest foreign investor in Kazakhstan, providing €54.8 billion of total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stocks in 2022.
From a broader perspective, enhanced EU-Asia connectivity is crucial to Kazakhstan. In this context, a level playing field for business is key, notably by enhancing transparency of public procurement in infrastructure, including through accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and the adoption of GPA standards.
A NEW BILATERAL PARTNERSHIPSupport from the European Union has been important to Kazakhstan’s development since the country’s independence in 1991. More than 350 projects amounting to EUR 180 million have been funded by the EU.
To support the implementation of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, a bilateral Cooperation Facility of EUR 9 million for 2021-2024 includes capacity development and institution building activities, support for policy dialogues leading to policy reforms, communication activities.
The Cooperation Facility focuses on three priority areas:
a) green economic growth, with a focus on trade facilitation between Kazakhstan and the EU in different areas;
b) support to green transition;
c) Rule of Law to strengthen the legal framework and institutions in place, including local administrations to support the decentralisation reform process as well as possible support to institutions at national level.
This facility is currently being implemented after the bilateral Financing Agreement has been signed between Kazakhstan and the European Commission in May 2023.
In addition, the EU supports civil society organisations and their role as local governance and accountability actors and as promoters of inclusive and sustainable growth. We are proud to support civil society organisations in strengthening their collaboration with local authorities to increase transparency in decision-making and localise Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the benefit of people throughout Kazakhstan. The EU Delegation publishes regularly Call for Proposals for NGOs in these areas.
As a result of the 2023 Call for Proposals (EuropeAid/176656/DD/ACT/KZ), t he following projects have been contracted to be implemented with the EU grant financing for the total amount of EUR 2,400,000:
1) JANARTU - Empowerment and association of CSOs, LAs and pasture users as a key to enhance grassroots self-governing practices and sustainability of the pastoral ecosystem in Almaty Region. Overall objective: to promote an enabling environment for dialogue and cooperation between local administrations, CSOs and rural communities to increase local ownership of the decentralisation process and SDG implementation. Coordinator: Felcos Umbria (Italy).
2) ENABLE - Empowered Civil Society for a Sustainable and Efficient City. Overall objective: to support the development of sustainable housing in Kazakhstan, with a focus on energy efficiency in buildings, through civil society participation. Coordinator: Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO), Germany.
3) Monitoring of government development programs performed by civil society actors as the key component of the policy dialogue in Kazakhstan. Overall objective: to improve the transparency and effectiveness of implementation of Kazakhstani government development programs and plans in four regions of the country by the means of public monitoring provided by trained civil society actors in Turkestan, Kostanay, Pavlodar and Zhetysu regions of Kazakhstan. Coordinator: The Public Fund ''INFORMATION and RESOURCE CENTER" (brand name “Almaty Civic Centre”).
4) EcoDialogue - Strengthening Kazakh CSOs to become strong actors in policy dialogues and implementation of human environmental rights. Overall objective: to strengthen Kazakh Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as independent actors of good governance and development in Kazakhstan by building a strong and consolidated movement in the field of environmental policy with the focus on waste management and climate change mitigation. Coordinator: The Center «Cooperation for Sustainable Development».
5) Dialogue Between Civil Society and Government is the Way to a High Quality of Life. Overall objective: to increase the efficiency of national state programmes and develop plans in solving social problems to meet the real needs of the target groups. Coordinator: ZUBR CONSULTING CENTER.
6) GLocal Action to promote SDG localization in Kazakhstan. Overall objective: to promote good governance and SDG localization through strengthening the capacity and role of civil society as independent actors in pilot regions of Kazakhstan. Coordinator: Civil Society Development Association "ARGO"
There are ongoing projects which received EU grants as a result of the previous Calls for Proposals.
1) Participation of the civil society in mitigation of the climate change in Karaganda Oblast of Kazakhstan. Overall objective: to increase participation of civil society in tackling climate change in Karaganda Region in order to contribute to Kazakhstan's achievement of the Paris Agreement goals. Coordinator: ARNIKA – Citizens Support Centre, Czech Republic
2) Promotion of human rights in the media. Overall objective: to promote human rights through strengthening the capacity of media and NGOs. Coordinator: North Kazakhstan Legal Media Centre
3) Kazakhstan Uncensored. Overall objective: to promote and protect fundamental freedom of expression in Kazakhstan. Coordinator: Institute for War and Peace Reporting
As a result of the 2023 Call for Proposals (EuropeAid/176656/DD/ACT/KZ) , the following projects have been contracted to be implemented with the EU grant financing for the total amount of EUR 2,931,500:
1) Consolidating the civil society actors of Western Kazakhstan to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms as an indispensable factor of democratic reforms in New Kazakhstan. Overall objective: to improve the quality of human rights protection in Kazakhstan by strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations and consolidating their efforts in four regions of Western Kazakhstan (Mangistau, Atyrau, Western Kazakhstan, and Aktobe). Coordinator: Eco Mangistau.
2) Breaking the Cycle: A Multifaceted Approach to Combat Torture in Kazakhstan. Overall objective: Contribute to eradiation of torture in Kazakhstan. Coordinator: Taldykorgan Human Rights Centre.
3) Civil Society for Kazakhstan (CS4K). Overall objective: to promote fundamental freedoms and rights in Kazakhstan through civil society led efforts. Coordinator: Institute for War and Peace Reporting.
4) Coordinated Civil Society Action to Promote Rule of Law for All. Overall objective: to promote human rights, the rule of law and justice in Kazakhstan. Coordinator: Legal Policy Research Centre.