Louisiana sheriffs retirement plan

Member Log On

This website is for authorized users only.

Use of this site without authority, or in excess of granted authority, is illegal and will be treated as such.
Illegal use of this site may result in civil fines, termination of employment, criminal charges, or other penalties.

Usage of this site is monitored and audited.

By logging on to the LSPRF site, you consent to such monitoring and auditing and affirm that you have read the

LSPRF strongly recommends the folowing:
☛ Keep your LSPRF User ID and password private.
☛ Do not leave the computer unattended while logged on.
☛ Always log off LSPRF's site when you are done.

The User ID is comprised of the last six digits of the social security number followed by a two digit suffix.

Suffix 01 is used to designate a contributing member.
Suffix 02 is used to designate a surviving spouse.
Suffix 03 and higher is used to designate surviving children.

There are some instances when the last six digits of the social security number cannot be used (duplicates with other members, etc.) In such cases the last six of the SSN plus one or several numbers is used to create the first six digits of the member number.